#Electronic Frontier Foundation

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4 months ago
Privacy professionals

EFF adds surveillance hub so Americans can check spying

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has created the Street Surveillance Hub, which provides detailed information on the surveillance systems used in the US.
The Hub also features a news feed and allows users to contribute to the Atlas of Surveillance, which allows them to check the use of law enforcement technologies in their local area. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

In Landmark Battle Over Free Speech, EFF Urges Supreme Court to Strike Down Texas and Florida Laws that Let States Dictate What Speech Social Media Sites Must Publish

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that a 1998 federal law criminalizing access to digital works for lawful purposes is unenforceable and violates the First Amendment.
The EFF is urging the Supreme Court to reverse a ruling that allows the Justice Department to censor a platform's ability to publish information about government data requests. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Privacy wars will be with us always. Let's set some rules

The Movement for an Open Web (MOW) is taking Google to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority over the forthcoming Chrome IP Protection feature.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and hundreds of experts are concerned about proposed revisions to EU regulations that would exempt state-approved certificates from security action by browsers. [ more ]
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